DES 2025
A multispecialist event with latest solutions on digitalization, innovation, technologies & ESG to transform your business
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General access for our visitors: 10-11 June (9:30h - 18:30h) - 12 June (9:30h - 15:30h) FYCMA – Málaga
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10-12 JUNE 2025 MÁLAGA - FYCMA
NEBEXT – NEXT BUSINESS EXHIBITIONS SL as the organizer of DES|Digital Enterprise Show along with FYCMA (venue certified by AENOR against COVID-19, certificate of commitment against COVID-19 by Junta de Andalucia and accredited by the WTTC (World Travel & Tourism Council), we have been in charge of preparing an edition in accordance with the recommendations of the health authorities, the Ministry of Health, the WHO and, in collaboration with the UFI (Unión Internacional de Ferias). The framework of the following recommendations will provide us all with a safe environment so that you only have to worry about business.
These are the stages that we will carry out at DES|Digital Enterprise Show and our recommendations regarding health and safety. The measures have been updated on 30th May 2022, and are subject to change as the recommendations of the health authorities evolve.
1. Cleaning and disinfection of the common areas. 2. Management and constant collection of waste and sanitation of its containers. 3. Ventilation and air conditioning systems with sanitizing filters. As part of the protocols that FYCMA is carrying out to guarantee a hygiene and safety environment in its facilities, the following actions have been implemented to guarantee air quality and environmental hygiene in accordance with the study by Atecyr (Asociación Técnica Española de Climatización y Refrigeración), which has been based on the information provided by the scientific community, as well as the recommendations of the World Health Organization: excess ventilation, elimination of air recirculation and filtration systems.
4. Isolated medical area available to event participants. 5. Coordination protocol with the health authorities, security forces of the state and the organization to deal with any incident.
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