Nigel Fenwick, Forrester VP & Principal Analyst, was the speaker in the morning keynote on the second day of the DES2016 event. His presentation “Digital Predator or Digital Prey” was the metaphor he used to share with the audience of the main auditorium relevant figures about the present and the future of the Digital Transformation, extracted from the “State Of Digital Business, 2015 To 2020” report.
So far, according to this report, only 21% of the companies have the right culture to face the challenge of the digital transformation. 19% have the right technology for that and only 16% of all professionals have the optimal capabilities to work in a digital scenario. These figures contrast with the executive’s expectations:47% of them foresee that in 2020, more than 50% of the sales figures of their companies will be driven by digital business.
In his presentation, Nigel Fenwick, shared some guidelines to help companies to become digital predators and avoid the fate of being digital preys. By 2020, all companies will be either digital predators or digital preys.
10-12 JUNE 2025