Sin categoría MarTech Developers’ Tasks Pending During the Second Golden Age of Marketing Technologies Traditionally, Marketing & IT Departments had nothing to do with each other, but, in recent years, they are expected to collaborate in the search for the best tools to boost... 30 May, 2019
Sin categoría 101 cosas que deberían hacer todas las empresas para ser digitales Estamos en una época convulsa, algunos autores se han adelantado a llamarla VUCA, donde la volatilidad, incertidumbre, complejidad y en algunos casos, hasta la ambigüedad, reinan en el mercado, creando... 23 May, 2019
Sin categoría Human Parity Artificial Intelligence technologies have come a long way in the last 3-5 years. But with each passing day comes a new achievement, especially in cognitive services, which is what I... 20 May, 2019
Digital Transformation Sin categoría Innovation for Customer Service: How to Disrupt Your Communication In today’s fast-changing, competitive markets, the only way for brands to stay ahead is to create a better customer relationship than their competitors. Offering standout customer service via messaging apps... 15 May, 2019