10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Mireia Ranera San

HR Digital Transformation & IA Director
INCIPY, Digital Transformation & IA partners
Mireia Ranera San

Founder of INCIPY, an accredited and pioneering consultancy in Spain specialized in Digital Transformation & IA.
With the role of Digital HR Transformation Director, I advise and help organizations in their strategy, road map, & projects to adapt to the new digital challenges.
I work with C-levels and HR Directors in their key role of driving the change to a digital culture and become more agile, flexible, connected, innovative, attractive to the talent, with focus on projects as: Digital Culture and Leadership, Digital Workplaces, Digital Employer Branding, Data Mindset & Data driven organizations, Digital Internal Communications, IA Road Maps… among others.
Director of the annual Study in Spain of Digital Transformation in HR (9th edition).
• Lecturer and speaker at different forums and events on digital economy and innovative trends.
