10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Enrique Pérez de Tena

Head of International relationships, coordination and Media
Spanish Joint Cyber Command (Mando Conjunto del Ciberespacio)
Enrique Pérez de Tena

In the Spanish Navy from 45 years, after leaving the Telecom engineering University afterwards two years.
As electronic specialist I sailed on several submarines, keeping all the electronic devices working properly, only fancy and vintage valves.
After five years in the Naval Academy, I reached my dream: to fly. As helicopter pilot after two years in United States, I have flown over many countries and sailed almost every ocean.
I performed the Staff Course and was posted in several admin and operational post, as different as air traffic controller of the aircraft carrier or ADC of the Spanish CHOD.
I had been stationed twice in NATO, UK and SHAPE (Belgium). The last years of my career I had been dealing with Communications and Media, as Spanish CHOD Director of Communication.
Responsible for international relations and Cooperation into the Spanish Joint Cyber Command, I tell anyone who want to listen to me what Spanish Military Forces are doing in the exciting domain named Cyberspace.
