10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Carles Porta

CEO & Co-founder
Carles Porta

I’m the CEO & Co-founder at Qualla Kids.
Our started point was when we tried to answer this question:
Are you sure who are the authorised people to pick up your kids at school leaving time?
After we tested that it was a real necessity and that it was a historical problem for schools, we got in touch with them in order to know who are the different factors that are taking part in this process and how they needed to be responded.
Families: They require last minute changes and to know that everything has worked properly.
Teachers: The require to be agile but without making it by heart.
Schools: They require to have an automatic registration of all the transactions.
We look to simplify this process as much as possible, therefore we created our one click method that answers them all.

Currently we are in a 360° system, that ensures wherever kids are picked up (canteens, school transport…) as they leave activities they need to be entranced, and we solve all the process in an only click.
