Back to agenda Digital Marketing PlanetSocial Platforms and Digital Rights AI, misinformation, digital rights and social media platforms: a dangerous cocktail Thu 13 Jun | 10:20 - 11:00 Digital Marketing Planet CLEAR CHANNEL All type of tickets In this panel, we delve into the perilous intersection of misinformation, digital rights, and social media platforms, exploring how this combination poses significant threats to both business and everyday life. By dissecting the intricate dynamics at play, we uncover the profound impact of false narratives and the erosion of digital freedoms on societal well-being and organizational integrity. Through compelling insights and real-world examples, we illuminate the urgent need for ethical considerations and responsible practices in navigating the digital landscape. Speakers Ross Sheil U-Report Global Country Support Specialist UNICEF Borja Díaz - Merry Head of Verifica Radiotelevisión Española Michael Sheldrick Co-Founder and Chief Impact, Policy and Government Affairs Officer Global Citizen Maite Arcos General Director Fundación ESYS Moderators Santiago Sánchez Benavides Founder Castoryadis