Patricia Urbez, Head of Public Sector at Fujitsu Technology Solutions Spain

Member of the Executive Committee of Fujitsu Technology Solutions Spain, Patricia is a Telecommunication Engineer by the University of Zaragoza. She has complemented her curriculum with different exclusive management programs provided by prestigious business schools like the HEC (Hâute Ecole de Coaching of Paris), the CEL (Centro Español de Logística), the ICLD (International Center for Leadership Development belonging to CEDE, and ESADE.

With more than 25 years of professional experience in the world of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and more than 20 working for the digitization of the Public Sector, she has consolidated her professional career at several multinational companies such as Accenture, Everis, Mercedes Benz, or Atos, leading multidisciplinary and international departments, experience that has taken her to develop since 2014 the role of Head of Public Sector at Fujitsu Technology Solutions in Spain.

She is since 2019 member of the Board of Directors at Enagás, the IBEX 35 gas infrastructure operator company (Spanish Gas TSO), and member of the AED (Spanish Association of Executives). She actively participates in promoting STEM vocations for young women, being a co-founder of the think-tank #somosmujerestech and has signed numerous articles in business media.

Her leitmotiv is to bring together digitization, sustainability and strategy, in order to create a better world where digitization would solve real problems of real (and diverse) people.